(281) 888-5581

Experience You Can Count On

What Are the Penalties for a Third or More DWI Offense?

In Texas, the penalties for a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) increase to a serious felony for a third or more DWI offense.  Failure to challenge these felony offenses could result in 2 to 10 years in State Prison, major fines up to $10,000, and a potential license suspension from 180 days to 2 years.  You could also face significant community service and other education programs.

Texas Courts require installation of an ignition interlock device (IID) before the case is resolved (typically within 30 days of the first setting or Arraignment) and continued installation if you’re found guilty and convicted.  Depending on the facts of your case, the Court may also impose a travel restriction (limiting the Counties where you can drive) and even prohibit you from driving for an extended period of time.

Facing a felony DWI can be stressful and overwhelming.  The State is more aggressive for repeat offenders and will do everything possible to obtain the harshest punishment against you.  The Westbrook Law Firm can help.  Over the years, Mr. Westbrook has successfully defended serious DWI felony cases in Houston and Southeast Texas through dedicated and skillful representation.  To discuss your case and explore your options, please call us today at 281-888-5581.