(281) 888-5581

Experience You Can Count On

Can a DWI Charge Be Expunged or Sealed from My Criminal Record in Texas?

Yes – but it depends on the facts of your case and ultimate outcome.

DWI convictions are permanent on your criminal record in Texas.  However, if your case ends in dismissal or you are found not guilty after trial, you may qualify for an expunction to erase the offense and all related records, recordings, and related documents.  Our Firm has assisted hundreds of clients with the expunction process.  This is a separate legal proceeding, filed in the civil courts.  The process can take up to 6 months, but once granted, an expunction eliminates all records and gives you the legal right to deny the arrest and everything connected to the case.  For more information about filing a Petition for Expunction for your DWI case, please call us today at 281-888-5581.

For certain Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) and Boating While Intoxicated (BWI) offenses committed after September 1, 2019, you may be eligible to seal your record through a process called Nondisclosure, including offenses that resulted in a conviction or deferred adjudication probation.  In addition to the general rules governing Nondisclosures, you must show:

  • You were not driving with a commercial driver’s license (CDL) or commercial learner’s permit at the time of the offense;
  • Your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was less than 0.15 at the time of the offense; and
  • No prior DWI-related conviction for enhancement purposes.

Even if your case has already been resolved, you may still be eligible to expunge or seal your record and avoid harmful background checks going forward.  Consulting with a Houston DWI Defense Attorney can clarify your eligibility for these legal remedies and help protect your future.  For more information, or to schedule a free and confidential consultation, please call us today at 281-888-5581.